Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Places!

We did our first round of IUI on Sept. 7th. It didn't work. I was bummed but the new motto in our family is "expect the worse & hope for the best." So even though my hopes were high, I knew that we would try again. We tried again yesterday so fingers crossed that it may work. I get my hopes up and then come back down to reality and regain my patience. If it doesn't work this time then we will try one more time and if that doesn't work then on to surgery I go. I probably won't have surgery until next summer because I want a new doctor and my insurance can't change until July. That's the plan as of now....let's hope we don't have to do the surgery part. I'd rather skip right over that!

I just drove 23 hours with my best friend. She moved back from TEXAS!! Yay!!!
Longest drive of my life but I'm so grateful I got to drive it with her.
We laughed until we cried, we were nervous together, pulled a trailer with her car behind the u-haul and went through some more than interesting towns. It was an experience I was excited about. I've always wanted to roadtrip with my BFF and we did just that.
Now that she's here I'm so excited to have her close. I keep forgetting that she lives just up the street from me. Can't wait to start going to the gym together, meeting for lunch and coffee and enjoying each others company. Lots of great times ahead. 

October means hunting season for the husband! He's like a kid on Christmas. Makes me laugh. My living room is full of hunting bags, guns and bullets. Exciting right?
I'm going to do some crafting this weekend, some house cleaning, celebrate some birthdays in the family and just relax. Can't wait!!
The fall weather is in the air. I'm ready for hoodies and boots! I've already indulged in several Pumpkin Spice Latte's from Starbucks and they are amazing by the way! 

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