Tuesday, August 7, 2012

San Fran Part 1

Jake & I took a quick weekend trip to San Francisco to visit Jake's brother & his cute family. My husband doesn't like being to far away from home and he's pretty frugal with the money so I went ahead and just booked the trip without asking. We've never been on a plane together and Jake has only flown once in his whole life {well that he remembers} so I was pretty excited for our trip. This is also something that was much needed & I'm so glad I planned this getaway.
He was like a little kid in the airport asking me lots of questions & wanting to know why that person was doing that or why they were saying that on the intercom. It was comical. We got to Cali & headed to dinner. I was excited to see our niece & nephew. I was also excited to see my in laws new home. They built a beautiful home recently & I couldn't wait to see the details up close and personal.

Time for the Wii.

Day 2 consisted of a trip to Monterey. We went to the largest aquarium I've ever been to & it was AMAZING. We had lunch in the little cafe & spent our time looking at the sea life. The aquarium was literally right on the water so we spent some time outside taking it all in. I was in heaven.

We love these two kiddos to pieces
Sami checking out the Jelly Fish up close & personal

Right before we found the STARBUCKS!!
Woo Hoo ha ha

After we left the aquarium we headed to Pebble Beach. You know, where the pro golfers play?? Ok I had no idea that's where they played but I knew my Dad would be stoked so I bought him some expensive golf balls. He loved them. That's all that matters. We also found my hubby a super awesome Camo hat for hunting {since he hates golf} but the hat was $70....Way to much money for a HAT so we passed. It was pretty cool though.

Oh I love him!

Our nephew & niece playing in the water. So much fun!

Day 1 of our adventures. More to come....Lots more pics of course.

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